Welcome to the School Improvement Hub

From Confederation of School Trusts with ImpactEd Group.

Curate clear

Build capability and capacity

Implement improvement initiatives

About our Hub

CST and ImpactEd Group are now working together to collate examples of school-improvement practices currently used by trusts. We want to fit this within the conceptual framework, drawing on practical examples that illustrate each of the 12 components of the three key areas. 

Case studies may focus on one or two specific components, or could focus on a specific area of school improvement that spans several components. However, we want to ensure that the trusts we include as case studies reach a generally high standard across the board. We’re looking for trusts that display a demonstrable attainment trajectory in their schools: where the evidence indicates that schools that join the trust subsequently improve. 

Measures we might therefore focus on include: changes in school attainment since joining the trust; progress in key stage 2 reading, writing or maths; Progress 8 scores; workforce data, such as staff retention. 

We would also look to see whether any external validation, such as Ofsted inspections, reflected a trajectory of improvement. Our case studies will be contextually grounded, taking into account the number of schools in each trust, their geographical spread and the demographics of pupils. Our aim with these case studies is not only to build up an evidence base of what works, but to support the trust sector in using this evidence to inform their practice.

Define the quality the trust is aiming for, and the specific goals needed to achieve this.

Ensure alignment between school improvement objectives and wider trust strategy

Use evidence to identify the actions most likely to build momentum in the desired direction.

Use quality evaluative tools to understand the performance of schools and the trust.

Put expertise and professional learning at the heart of improvement.

Improve practice across a group of schools simultaneously, rather than just ‘one school at a time’.

Build connections across the organisation.

Establish a culture where leadership and teaching can flourish

Adopt the behaviours that drive implementation (Engage, Unite, Reflect). Do this whilst tending to contextual factors and using a structured but flexible implementation process: Explore, Prepare, Deliver, Sustain).

Match improvement initiatives with capacity to deliver.

Know what’s likely to cause failure and how you will spot it. Learning from it and adapting or ejecting the failing action.

De-implement initiatives that are not effective, or less effective than alternative options.